DELICIOUS Conference and Last Annual Meeeting in Catania
The global burden of lifestyle-related diseases is increasing, with poor diets and sedentary behaviors being major contributors to chronic illnesses and millions of deaths each year. These trends are particularly concerning for younger generations, whose unhealthy habits threaten future public health and place strain on healthcare systems. Authorities must prioritize creating environments that support […]
DELICIOUS PROJECT HOLDS ITS 1ST GENERAL ASSEMBLY MEETING DELICIOUS project had its 1st General Assembly meeting in Cairo (Egypt) ans part of the team attended the ICSST Congress in October After a few months without seeing each other, part of our team had the opportunity to meat again, this time in the beautiful city of […]
Kick-off meeting of DELICIOUS
11 July 2022 The Consortium of DELICIOUS celebrated the Kick Off Meeting in Zaragoza (at EDELVIVES facilities) on the 3rd of June Our ambitious project was set in motion in April 2022! Since then, our coordinator Edelvives, has been actively communicating with each member of the consortium and every work package in order for everything […]